Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Ronan The Troublemaker

Another thing Ronan does at Irish Fest is cause me trouble, gleefully. He will periodically send me news items and challenge me to find a way to work an Irish Fest angle around them. See his previous attempts, here and here as examples.

He sent me this one yesterday, and I'll do my best:

"Stranded Whale Successfully Refloated Off Kerry Beach

The whale that got stranded on Inch beach in Co. Kerry this morning has been successfully refloated. It has now rejoined its pod further out in Dingle bay. Volunteers had been keeping the pilot bull whale wet and protecting it from the elements as experts set up a special pontoon to get it back into the sea during high tide.

The giant mammal was lifted onto the pontoon by rescuers, with the help of locals and tourists, and towed out to sea until it had recovered enough to swim off on its own."

Now, we at Irish Fest ask a lot of our volunteers, from pouring pints to painting faces. But we promise you won't have to help keep a pilot bull whale wet. That's Ronan's job. Sign up to volunteer today!

1 comment:

Danny Regan said...

What about it, Barney? Sarah? Should we add "Whale Wetter" to your committee?