Monday, May 22, 2006

Olé Olé Olé Olé!

Okay, so Ireland didn't qualify for the World Cup this year. And you're despondent because you've got nowhere to go scream and sing "Come On You Boys in Green" while wearing your tri-colored afro wig and scarf, and your EirCom jersey. You're probably still trying to wash off that big shamrock you painted on your chest.

The Kansas City Wizards Soccer Club to the rescue. The Wizards are having a World Cup celebration as part of the Kansas City Wizards vs. New York Red Bulls match on June 3rd. The Wizards have invited all Irish soccer fans (as well as groups representing many other countries of the world) to come to the game that day at discounted ticket prices (only $9) and represent Ireland (or the country of your choice) with flags, jerseys, songs and whatever else you can think of within legal limits.

Not only that, but if you book a group of 40 or more, the Wizards will provide free use of a grill, charcoal, and lighter fluid for tailgating before the match. Who needs Germany anyway? Here's the ticket order form, Or let me know if there's interest and maybe we'll get an Irish Fest group out there. Olé!

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