Saturday, May 13, 2006

Let's Go To Sligo!

The town of Sligo is near and dear to our resident blogger's heart. You should ask Dan about the time he spent many years ago in a Sligo Hostel. Now the town has gotten on the Fest bandwagon with Sligo Live on June 2nd to June 5th. It is billed as Ireland's gathering of folk, traditional and roots musicians. Headliners include Sinead O'Connor and Solas. If you're considering a visit check out these hostels!


David Shaughnessy said...

Ronan forgot to tell you the whole story. Maybe he doesn't remember. We went to Donegal for a friends wedding. On the way back, Ronan tells us that Christy Moore is playing in Sligo and lets go. We are all up for it, since we traveled from Derry (we were in Derry to deliver cigars. No lie) that day. Anyway, we get to Sligo and Ronan tells us of the upscale hostel called Yates Country Hostel, or something like that. So he guiding the trip. We were going on every word he said. So we get to Sligo, and Christy Moores show in two months away. I guess Ronan read the poster wrong. The Hostile we went to was more of a boarding house. We were packed in a room with several others, um, drunks whose smell kept me up all night. I thought we were going to get robbed. I kept my hands in my pockets all nite holding on to my wallet and passport. The bathroom was three floors up a spiral staircase. Not convenient for a group of guys who were all over the Guinness, if you know what I mean. Then there was the clock tower. The one that was right out our window, chiming every 15 minutes. This place was so bad, Dan and his brother Pat, took off to enjoy the countryside, I went to the hotel across the street halfway thru the night and slept in their lobby, then washed up in the men’s room sink. Ronan and Sparling were at the hostile sleeping like babies. By the way, NEVER ride in a car with Ronan driving.

Danny Regan said...

That was trip with more great stories than will fit here. In the interest of full disclosure, actually it was me who misread the poster about Christy's concert in Sligo. As for riding in a car driven by Ronan...we drove from Dublin to Galway in an hour and a half. I'm not kidding. And along the way, Ronan confessed to me that he'd always wanted his own Black Spot. My knuckles are still bleached.