Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Input From You, Please

I spend time now and again over at the Elders message board, and it's fun to see the community that's built up over there, all these people brought together by their shared affection for a band. And I think, "wouldn't that be a great thing to have here on our site. All those people, gathering here at a little cyber-fest, drinking little cyber Boulevards, chatting away about Irish Fest and isn't it exciting, it's just weeks away now?" Then other times, I stop by the message boards at the St. Patrick's Day Parade committee's site, and there's not much happening except during the days immediately before or after the parade. Now, that's a great event and people love it, and love to talk about it but maybe since it only happens once a year there's just not enough to say about it to keep a conversation going all year long.

So here's my question to you, and be honest, I've a thick skin. Is the interest there to launch something like that here? Or, like the parade, is there just not enough to talk about all year? Or does this blog and the ability to post comments perhaps serve the same purpose already? We have an able and willing moderator standing by and our techno folks at the Lazarus Group know how to set this sort of thing up, because they're all geniuses.

So the key to the whole thing is you. Let me know what you think.


Anonymous said...

Hi Dan... this is Kevin Kiley from Little Rock Arkansas ( and a member of the Arkansas Celtic Music Society ). Since 'honesty' is the keyword of the day here let me say that I've never seen the Elders perform nor am I familiar with their 'online community' ( I will certainly check it out, though )... so I really can't comment about whether "what they have is what you should have" but I wanted to let you know that as far as "year round interest" in your BLOG and postings go... the answer from Arkansas is YES. We all watch your BLOG closely here and consider it an invaluable source of information for what is happening on the Irish/Celtic scene in this region of the country. Keep up the good work and even if you don't ADD anything new... at least don't SUBTRACT from what you are doing.
It's great stuff. My 2 cents.

David Shaughnessy said...

I could add information about whose booked, whose CD I just recieved, and funny stories about bands hospitality riders. Great idea Dan!