Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I Can't See The Forest

But from my office window I can see the brand new trees that have been planted on the Kansas City Irish Fest grounds on Crown Center Square. They are London Plane trees, which brings all sorts of questions to mind. Should we, as an Irish Fest, be insulted that trees are called "London"? Should we have demanded a "Dublin Plane"? Should we concerned that the trees, being called "plane" will take off in the constant breeze that blows through the square? Hmmm...

I can tell you that the bark of Plane trees when boiled in vinegar can be used to treat toothaches and hernias and that the wood is often used to make the insides of pianos. So there's that.

The remodeling of the grounds has really picked up steam with the coming of Spring. I'll take some more pictures tomorrow for you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What happened to my keg idea?????