Saturday, April 22, 2006

Site Crew

Once upon a time, there was an Irish Fest volunteer who couldn't decide what area of the Fest he or she wanted to work in. Then he or she read today's installment of "where should I volunteer" about the site crew and decided. And he or she lived happily ever after.

What you'll do: You know how when you come down to Irish Fest and there are all those tables and decorations and the pub front and cottage and signs and banners? It may be stating the obvious, but somebody has to put all that stuff up. And somebody has to take it all down. And that's where you come in...we hope. The cool thing about this job? By the time we open, you're off duty, free to enjoy yourself.

Who you are: You're strong of back and stout of heart. You're not afraid to climb a ladder. You tie good knots and are proficient in the use of zip ties, which, by the way, are what holds Irish Fest together. And it's helpful if you have a flexible work schedule , because we spend a good chunk of Thursday and all day Friday setting up.

So, come on. Sign up to set up. We need you.

Yes, you.

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