Sunday, April 23, 2006

Entertainment Changes

If you check the entertainment line up this morning you'll see that Maestro Dave Shaughnessy has made a couple changes. He's switched the positions of Luka Bloom and GrĂ¡da on the Boulevard Pub Stage for Saturday night. There are all sorts of technical reasons for doing this, having to with stuff like "sound bleed" and "backlines" and the "phases of the moon", but really the reason is "because Dave says so".

You'll also notice that we've lost one of those pesky TBAs. I'm happy to announce that the spots formerly to-be-announced have been ably filled by Irish showband legend Cahal Dunne. Mr. Dunne, a Cork native, is now living in Pittsburgh which is where we saw him perform at a showcase during the Irish Festival Promoters Conference a few weeks ago. With his song "Happy Man", Cahal represented Ireland in the International Eurovision Music Contest in Israel in 1979. The song became number one in Europe and Ireland with selling more than 250,000 copies. Since moving to the States, Cathal has appeared with Bob Hope, Sophia Loren, ABBA, Denis Day, Hal Roach, Carmel Quinn and Frank Patterson, to name a few. His television appearances include the David Letterman Show, Entertainment Tonight, the Nashville Network, and PBS. He's an engaging, funny, talented entertainer and brings us a style of Irish popular music that we've not had the good fortune to present on our stages before. If you're a fan of the great crooners, don't miss Cahal Dunne at this year's Kansas City Irish Fest.

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