Saturday, April 01, 2006

A Mighty Session

Sometimes there are those nights, aren't there?

Máirtín de Cógáin, along with the incomparable Brett Gibson on accordion and the very talented, multi-instrumentalist Kevin Kiley put on a fantastic show to a packed and enthusiastic house at the Oak Street Coffee House in part one of last night's fun. A great venue, and Martha and her crew are to be commended accommodating a bigger than expected crowd.

A lively trad session ensued at Mike Kelly's Westsider after, with by my count, 3 countries and at least 4 states represented among the players. Beautiful singing by the beautiful Mitra and the beautiful Kelly, and a grand time had by all.

Thanks to Kelly Dougherty and the good people at Missouri Valley Folklife for putting on another great traditional music event.


Anonymous said...

Thank you everyone for coming along last night! I really enjoyed myself. It was a magical evening! Thanks again Dan for all the support! Hup, A Mighty Session indeed! See y'all at the Irish Fest at Crown Centre, when I bring back the Fuchsia boys to blow ye all away!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Kelly and everyone at MVFS for a wonderful show! Looks like the new "Coffee House" series couldn't have gotten off to a better start. It was an honor to be able to be a part of it. The session at Westsider was awesome as well. Y'all have a WONDERFUL music scene going on there in KC. We are jealous down here in Little Rock. Keep up the good work and hope to see all of you again soon. ( Martha and Kevin )