Thursday, April 20, 2006

Celtic Music in KC This Weekend

This Friday night Roger Landes and Chipper Thompson will be in concert at All Souls Unitarian Church, 4501 Walnut St. in another great presentation by the good folks at Missouri Valley Folklife Society. Roger Landes, well known for his 10 years with the popular Irish band Scartaglen, and then his partnership with the great singer Connie Dover, is an internationally recognized master of the Irish Bouzouki. Chipper Thompson, Alabama born and raised in the heart of the Tennessee Valley, plays guitar, bass, mandolin, bouzouki, dulcimer, banjo and several hand percussion instruments such as the bodhran. It may be quicker to list the instruments he doesn't play.

This promises to be a fantastic night of innovative traditional music, and if you think that's an oxymoron, go see these guys and you'll see what I mean. The Missouri Valley Folklife Society deserves the support of Kansas City's Irish community for all the great music they bring our way, so please get out and help them in that effort.

Roger Landes and Chipper Thompson
Friday, April 21, 2006 at 8:00 PM
All Souls Unitarian Church, 4501 Walnut St., KCMO, Bragg Auditorium
Admission: $20.00 adult, ($17.00 for members)
Get online tickets here


Anonymous said...

Hey Dan,

Thanks for the plug! It will be a great show! AND afterwards we are headed down to Mike Kellys Westside for a session!! Come join us.

Danny Regan said...

If the session is anything like the one after Máirtín's show, it's going to be another great night at The Westsider. I'll try to make it.