Monday, March 13, 2006

We Have A Winner!

The first in our series of 6 monthly KCIF Pub Quizzes is in the books. And the winning team for week one is "Five Dollar Wine", also known as Betty, Charlie, Matt, David and Craig. They were victorious over a field of 5 strong teams. These geniuses won not only a cash prize at ReVerse tonight, but tickets to Irish Fest where they will compete in the Finals for a Grand Prize of $500.
Now, I know what you're saying. "We're smarter than they are! We could have won!" Ah, but you didn't show up, did you? Let them walk away with it, didn't you? You knew which baseball team has won the second most World Series. You knew the name of the director of the Academy Award winning best picture for this year. You knew the national vegetable of Wales. But were you there to take home the glory? No, you weren't. You couldn't be bothered. And they won. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Don't let it happen again.

Round two, April 17. 7:00 at the Gaf in Waldo, just South of Gregory on Wornall. We expect to see you there.


Anonymous said...

And I suppose you know what the national vegetable of Wales is, don't you?

Danny Regan said...

As a matter of fact, I do. It's the leek.

Anonymous said...

A leek is not a vegetable! It's a hole in a pipe or something were the water comes out, DUH!

littleskillet said...

Well if your so smart, then tell, what's the German word for gorilla?