Sunday, March 26, 2006

What's The Highest Point in Azerbaijan?

If you or someone you know can answer that, then you also need to know that the second in our series of monthly Irish Fest pub quiz team trivia contests will be held April 17th at The Gaf, on Wornall Road in Waldo. Team registration starts at 6:30 PM and the quiz at 7:00 or so. Proudly sponsored by the Kansas City Irish Fest and Boulevard Brewing Company, and hosted by George and Linh from Drink: Your Guide to the Kansas City Bar Scene. And many thanks to Ray and James for having us at the Gaf, which is a grand place to go, even if you're not a trivia master.

It's just killing you isn't? Okay, okay. The answer, as if you didn't know, is Bazarduzu Dagi which towers over Azerbaijan at a whopping 4,485 meters. But the questions on the 17th won't be that hard. Probably.

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