Sunday, March 26, 2006

Au Revoir, Anois

How many languages would you guess are currently spoken in Ireland? Well, two for sure. And we all know that the Celtic Tiger has brought a wave of immigrants in to Ireland, reversing the historical flow out. So...let's add a few more. Let's say, twenty? Maybe fifty?

Try more than 167. That according to research conducted by academics at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth. The list of languages, ranging from Acholi (which I always thought was a pizza topping) to Zulu, was based on research with translation firms, schools and the Office of the Refugee Applications Commissioner. The languages are used by 160 nationalities, and regional dialects were excluded.

The article in The Irish Times didn't mention if they classified "Kerry-ish" as a separate language, as they certainly should have.

Now, we at the Kansas City Irish Fest can't help you if your Acholi is a bit rusty, but if you'd like to brush up on your fluency in Irish, we're here to serve. We'll be offering Irish language workshops once again this year. More details here when our schedule is finalized.

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