Tuesday, March 14, 2006

So, How Was The Gaelic Storm Show, Anyway?

Mindy and Marcia, the Mighty Mistresses of the Irish Fest Pub stage have this review of last night's fun:

"There pretty much wasn't an empty seat at the VooDoo Lounge. Gaelic Storm took the stage shortly after 8 and got the crowd clapping immediately. They then told us about the previous evening when they were trapped in a K-Mart in Springfield, IL for an hour, while the tornadoes circled all around. According to Patrick, Irish boys aren't too familiar with tornadoes. They played for a good 2 hours, with the crowd clapping, singing and dancing along. At one point, the nice people of Kansas City Irish Fest sent them up some whiskey shots. They mentioned the rain, but the crowd quickly corrected them. Patrick asked for the specific dates and the crowd happily provided, though it took him a second and a little help from one person whispering it in his ear for him to announce Labor Day weekend. They finished up with Johnny Dew, but the crowd called for more and they were back out for an encore. Following the show they hung out and signed autographs, until the VooDoo staff made people leave, but I believed the party continued at "I Love This Bar and Grill." And according to Steve, "Kansas City has one of the best looking festival staffs in the nation."

Good thing the Johnson Girls were there and not me...I bring that percentage down something fierce.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I would concur, it was a fantastic show. And of course, leave it to Shi Shi to send up some shots (On my credit card though, of course!)....the ever so hospitable one. - Erin

Anonymous said...

Yes, must say, there were lots of ladies of KCIF present, so I'm pretty positive Steve was not speaking of just Marcia and myself. Of course our new site manager was there too, though I believe he and his wife had left the building by this point.--Mindy