Wednesday, March 29, 2006

RMS Titanic, From Ireland to Kansas City

Queenstown, Ireland, now called Cobh (pronounced Cove) was the Last Port of Call of the ill fated RMS Titanic. It was there in Ireland that the last 123 Titanic passengers boarded the ship before it set sail to meet its tragic icy fate in the Atlantic Ocean.

For 10 years now a local historian in Cobh has been researching this Port and its connections with the Titanic. Michael Martin, an Irish writer, historian and researcher served for 23 years in the Irish Navy and upon retirement began research on the town of Cobh and its Titanic connections. He created the world famous Titanic Trail, a guided walking tour of this historical Irish town, which was Ireland'’s principle port of emigration for many decades, where over half of all those who left Ireland passed through.

Michael is coming to Kansas City this Friday evening to do a public talk and slide show presentation the history of Ireland'’s most famous port. It invokes a great diversity of military, maritime and emigrant history. From Celts to Norman invasions. war, emigration, and famine. Tragic ships, joyous discoveries, Cobh experienced it all.

Michael has worked with 20th Century Fox, National Geographic, the BBC, Australian TV, Korean National TV and has made his own DVD Documentary. His tours are recommended by Lonely Planet Guide, Lets Go Ireland, Rick Steve'’s Travel and The Rough Guide to Ireland.

This lecture, with a question and answer session, is a must for all those interested in Titanic, and Ireland. Michael's talk will also mark a new service whereby his tours and lectures can be booked directly with Gerry Buckley, another native Irishman, who owns and operates The Complete Traveler, a company specializing in unique vacations of discovery in Ireland.

Where: Westwood City Hall, 4700 Rainbow, Westwood, Kansas
When: Friday, March 31st, 7:00 PM

Call to confirm your place, (913) 362-1550

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