Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Legalize The Irish

The Irish Lobby For Immigration Reform, or ILIR has declared Friday, March 17th "Legalize The Irish Day". From the organization's mission statement:

"The Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform has been set up to lobby the US government on behalf of the estimated 40,000 undocumented Irish in the US.

The US government is expected to enact new immigration legislation in 2006. It is vital that the Irish make their voices heard in any debate over the new laws

Under current immigration law, it is almost impossible for an Irish person to legally immigrate to the US. Recent proposals would criminalise the undocumented Irish already here. This would effectively end Irish immigration to the US. It would sever the centuries-old link between the countries and destroy our shared heritage.

Where would America be without the Irish? Where would Ireland be without America? These questions have to be factored into any debate about immigration. The Irish contribution, both culturally and economically, to the US has been enormous. America's friendship has been a source of strength for Ireland from the 1800s to today.

We recognize the need for tighter security in this post 9/11 world but we also believe that we have to help the 40,000 Irish toiling in the shadows as construction workers, nannies and waitresses. Their presence is not a threat to the United States. The undocumented Irish just want to have the same chance offered to the Irish throughout the years."

If you'd like to learn more or make your voice heard on this important issue, visit

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