Thursday, July 01, 2010

More Like Fun-ction City!

Big holiday weekend about to start. If you're looking for something fun to do, it goes without saying that no place says "fun" like Junction City, Kansas.

This weekend Junction Citians hold their big "Sundown Salute", billed as "the largest free Independence Day fireworks display and celebration in the state of Kansas." You should go, Irish Fest fan because 2010 KCIF Friday night openers Rattle and Hum are performing on the 4th.

In the interest of full disclosure, I should say that my nephew Tim's band The Good Foot is performing too, opening for Otis Day and The Knights tomorrow night, which is so awesome it hurts. To bring things full circle, Tim, as a young not-yet-rock-star boy, used to box his uncles under the name "Kid Irish". So there you go.

Rattle and Hum make their KC Irish Fest debut 64 days from this very day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, That makes me wanna..SHOUT! Junction City, who knew?