Friday, July 09, 2010

Counting Down

I have this feature on my computer where you can make these little things that look like a tiny page-a-day calendar and they tell you how long it is until stuff happens. So like I have one that tells me how long until Irish Fest opens (56 days). If you leave them on there after the thing you were counting down to happens, they just keep right on counting and telling you how long its been since your thing took place. So I have one that tells me for example that my baby Kate is 102 days old today. (Wanna see a picture? That's her there. Cutie pie.)

I also see that KC Irish Fest volunteer registration has been open for 69 days now.

That's a long time, 69 days. Now I know, because the volunteer coordinators are friends of mine, that a lot of you have signed up and that's "awesome", as the kids say. But I also know that in those 56 days that my little counter thingy tells me remain 'til we open, we need a whole lot more of you to join us. So let's just end the week on a high note by getting that little chore out of the way. Sign up and volunteer right now. Just takes a minute and you'll be glad you did. Here's the place to do it.*

Hey, did you know it's already been 125 days since National Frozen Food Day? Guess how I know.

*What's with all the links, you may ask? Not long ago I put up a post about volunteering and forgot to put up a link to the volunteer page. A blog reader noticed and in helpfully letting me know about my inadvertent omission called me "Irish Fest's resident Smarty Pants." I'm pretty sure they were hitting on me. Anyway, "Resident Smarty Pants" is now what my business cards say on them. Oh, and here's where to volunteer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a CUTIE PIE! Love that sweet litte Kate!

Heart you,
-Auntie Swalsh