Thursday, April 18, 2013

Honors For O'Neill

Tonight at the annual Kansas City Irish Center gala, Irish Fest co-founder Pat O'Neill will be the very deserving recipient of the John J Sullivan Foundation Humanitarian Of The Year Award, the second fest founder to receive the honor, which makes me think I must be next.

Pat, in his day job, is the creative force behind O'Neill Event Management and author of From The Bottom Up, the definitive story of the Irish in Kansas City. He's also a great friend, a great guy and patriarch of one of Kansas City's great Irish clans. All of us at KCIF are so happy for him and proud of him. We knew he'd make good one of these days.

The event is sold out I believe, but if you've a mind to you could ring Nancy or Renata at the Center and see if they can fit you in.

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