Wednesday, August 08, 2012


Irish Fest opens in 23 days and to be honest with you, we're a little worried here at HQ. See, in addition to us hard core festies who work at this nonsense year round, we need some 1100 of you fine, good looking, wonderful people to sign up as volunteers to make the thing run. And we ain't there. Or close to there.

If you haven't signed up yet, please do. Bring your friends and family, too. If you're married, sign up with your spouse. If you're single, you'll probably meet somebody awesome. Check out these actual, unretouched photos of two of last year's volunteers!
Had to tell that guy he couldn't bring his ugly ass dog with him, but he was okay. Signing up to be a volunteer is simple, easy and quick. You get an great t-shirt and a free fest ticket. You'll have fun. Guaranteed. Do it now, 'K? Go raibh mile maith agaibh.


e said...

I hope that guy is working my tent!

Danny Regan said...

Is that a euphemism, E?

Carol said...

Not so much incentive for married people, sez my friend Paul.
He's like that.
Whatever -I'll get him to volunteer anyway.

elizabeth said...

I wasn't thinking that when I wrote it but either way he wants to work it, I'll be okay with it.