Thursday, November 10, 2011


Hey Fest Fans, I need your input. As you may or may not know, the upcoming Kansas City Irish Fest (Labor Day weekend, 2012. Just 295 days away!) will be our 10th. Which to us is a big deal. Hell, in this business it's a huge deal. It's a tough economy for the fest bidness. We've been very lucky and we've worked very hard to be successful. So yeah, our 10 year anniversary is a big deal. And we want to make it big party. A gigantic party. Which is where I need your help.

Tonight myself and some of my fellow festival founders and past board members will meet to brainstorm ideas for our 10th birthday. And as usual when it comes to creative thinking, I got nothing. So I figure if you kids give me a bunch of great ideas, I'll present those as my own, I'll look like a genius, won't have to pay for my drinks, and might be able to sneak in the one idea I do have (Saturday night, Boulevard Stage: Gaelic Greatness-A Concert For Dan Regan). And I don't have to worry about getting found out because I know none of those old timers I'll be meeting with tonight know how to turn a computer on, let alone find and read this this blog.

So if you have an awesome idea for our 10th Kansas City Anniversary Irish Fest, lay it on me. I'll give you full credit, silently, privately deep in my heart, as I take my bows. Thanks, kids. XOXO.


Anonymous said...

Invite back an artist or band from each of the previous years that was possibly just starting out or not as well known at that time, but have become popular because of the Fest. Bill it as the "Best of KC Irish Fest".
Offer a T-shirt that has the a listing of every performer for the last 10 years.
Cake - there has to be cake!
J from IA

Danny Regan said...

I love it! Great stuff. And oh, yes...there will be cake.

Anonymous said...

In the display area it would be great to see pictures from the past 10 years. A Pictorial History of KC Irish Fest, kind of thing. It would be a wonderful way to show how the Fest has grown and you can ask fans to send in their favorite pictures and stories associated with the KC Fest.
My husband proposed to me there!
J in IA