Tuesday, September 06, 2011

In The Books

There's a special kind of tired that all of us get around here the days immediately after Irish Fest ends. I call it "Tirish." And that's where I am today. What a weekend. The weather, always a big concern as we plan? I think all we missed was snow. Hot as hell on Friday. A series of (mericifully) quick rain and wind storms on Saturday. Perfect fall day on Sunday and a closing night that had us all in fleece by the end. The music? Wonderful. For me, too many highlights to list. If you twist my arm for one, the Colin Grant Band blew me away. The crowds were big (even the rain didn't chase too many away) but well behaved and having fun.

Of course we were not without issues. Sound bleed continues to be a problem at the Park Stage. I saw lines at some food vendors that were overly long, though I'm sure the vendors aren't complaining. I stopped a couple people trying to walk away with a couple of our signs....seriously. Final numbers won't be in for awhile yet–I'll share those with you here when they are–but all in all, from our perspective anyway, another successful Fest.

But since I'm too tired to write, let alone be funny or clever, let's hear from you. Hits? Misses? Compliments? Complaints? The floor is yours.


Carol said...

I agree with you about the Colin Grant Band. The song that Colin wrote for his friends' wedding was one of the prettiest things I've heard in a while.
I'm mad at him though, for not coming to visit us in the Snug -- you guys kept him too busy!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry we missed it this year...maybe the economy will be better next year when y'all hit double digits!

Unknown said...

It was fabulous. Thank you! But the sound bleed is a problem. The sessioning area was in a very bad place.

But! Thanks! I was there from start to The Mighty Craic, and it was great.

Take a nap. You've earned it!

Anonymous said...

I was really looking forward to the Colin Grant Band and was not disappointed. I went to all three shows. Good stuff.

Every band I saw was great. Wish I could have saw more of Brendan Nolan. I hope he'll be back.

The only negative (besides the weather, which you can't control; and there being too many good things happening at once, which you all are to be commended for) was the sound right up front in the middle while the Killdares were playing. It was hard to hear the fiddles and vocals. Actually, surprising that it wasn't an issue with other bands; maybe it was a matter of loud amps. The sound was fine farther back (where the vast majority of people are).

Anonymous said...

McPeake was just amazing. Such talent, history and versatility.

Ditto for the Collin Grant Band and Grant/McMullen/Roach.

It was nice to see all the staff smiles, even through the heat, the wind and the rain.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for another great Irish Fest. We also loved the Colin Grant Band and Grant/McMullen/Roach. We really enjoyed the movie "Jig", a fascinating look at the world of competitive Irish dancing.

On the down side, we were surprised by the lack of toilets on the Miller Light Stage level this year. My wife's arthritis makes climbing stairs difficult so it was an extra burden for her.

Overall, we had a great time and look forward to next year!

Anonymous said...

Note regarding Toilets on the Miller Lite level.

While there were no portapotties on that level, there are toilets on that level. In the parking garage, just outside the festival entrance on that level. Nice permanent flush toilets.

There's also a ramp down to the level below, which I imagine could be used by those walking who have trouble with stairs, in addition to those with wheels.

Anonymous said...

Best Children's Area gets even better with the Play this year. Kept a 2 and 6 year old's attention for 30-35 minutes while we ate. Not easy!


Anonymous said...

Highlight had to be the good natured crowds. I honestly did not see one person who wasn't happy, friendly, and having a good time. Even during the rains, people were wonderful. Truly amazing considering the size of the crowds.

Other highlights: Beach balls in the air for Gaelic Storm, Colin Grant Band, Scythian, and Q & A with Gaelic Storm.