Thursday, April 21, 2011


A big decision made at the Irish Fest board meeting this morning. Fest president Barney Walsh has decided to decline his invitation to the upcoming wedding of Prince William and Kate "The Commoner" Middleton. In sending his regrets, Barney cited unavoidable scheduling conflicts, his tuxedo being at the tailor for repairs, the lack of Boulevard beer at the reception and 840 years of British oppression in Ireland. He did send a gift of 4 VIP passes to this year's Kansas City Irish Fest to show there were no hard feelings, and because he can get those for free.


Barney Walsh said...

Clarification on the 'unavoidable scheduling conflict' - Jimmy Buffett's invitation arrived first. I already mailed my RSVP to join him at the Sprint Center that weekend. Of all people, the Queen should understand the etiquette of such things.

Besides, the Sprint Center serves Boulevard. Fins Up!

Danny Regan said...

You might want to rethink it. I hear Kate Middleton's Irish cousins make a hell of a whiskey.