Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Updates Current And Pending

If you've checked in over at the Irish Fest website recently, you've seen that it's almost all updated with 2011 bands, dates, info, pictures and whatnot. It's purdy.

There's one page that hasn't been updated yet, but that's changing soon. It's that all important Volunteer Page. Yes, all important. "But Uncle Bloggy" you say. "I think the entertainment page is much more important. That's why I go to Irish Fest." To which I say "you're a fool. A silly, silly fool." Because without the small army of volunteers–some 1100 strong–those fancy pants entertainers you love so much would never make it to the stage. Your beer would never get poured, your souvenir t-shirt would never hit your back, your kid would never make that adorable art project with the leprechaun that you'll never hang on your fridge.

So now that I've crushed your opinion in the iron grip of informed reason, I want you to check that all important volunteer page often these next few days. Because soon it will spring to life and beckon you to sign up and join our team. It's easy, quick and rewarding. Volunteers, you may recall get free t-shirts, free tickets, and love love love from all of us fest leaders. And isn't that worth 4 hours of your fest weekend right there?

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