Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Moooving In

It's crowded here in my 36th floor office suite at Irish Fest HQ today and not just because of my usual cadre of personal assistants, advisers and scantily clad secretaries. No, it's especially crowded today because there's a cow wandering around in here. And not just any cow, the official 2011 Kansas City Irish Fest mascot cow.  She's a beauty, I'll tell you that. She arrived here yesterday in a parka and snowshoes, icicles hanging from her...well, she was chilly, but once we got her thawed out, she's the very image of late summer Irish fun, all ready to take her place on the Irish Fest throne.

You want to meet her? Of course you do. And so you shall, on Friday of this week. I'd introduce you now but I gotta trot her out to the board at their meeting on Thursday. They get cranky if they don't get to see these important things first. It's going to be hard keeping her hidden around the office until then, I'll tell you that. I've got her disguised as former Irish Fest president Ed Scanlon for the time being, but I'm not sure how long I can keep fooling people, even these people who aren't the shiniest coins in the old pot of gold, if you know what I mean.

At any rate, meet me back here on Friday. You'll be glad you did.


Anonymous said...

Cow pie

Sunshine said...

YEA!! I am so excited!!