Friday, November 19, 2010

Name That Parade, Part 2

The quality individuals at the KC St. Patrick's Day Parade have narrowed down the choices for the 2011 parade theme to these three:
  • 2011: My Dream of Irish Heaven
  • Irish Proverbs and Prose
  • No Small Potatoes: A Tribute to the Wee Irish
Alert readers may recall that the "Proverbs and Prose" and the "Small Potatoes" options are reruns from 2010, and the second of those was the inspiration for my alternate and ultimately rejected theme "Big Potatoes: A Tribute To Kevin Bundy." And I still vote for that one.

I do kind of like that first finalist though, for a couple reasons. One, it rhymes which is always a plus and two, "Irish Heaven" means Irish dead people and that means Irish zombies and I would love to see a bunch of Irish zombies marching down Broadway on St. Pat's morning. Usually they don't turn into zombies until much later, at the pub.

If you'd like your voice to be heard in this matter, you can vote through Tuesday, November 23rd by visiting the parade's website. You can vote once a day and look for a winner on Wednesday. Start working on your float on Thursday.

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