Friday, September 10, 2010


A few people who bought Irish Fest t-shirts with Irish language text on them have written asking for translations of said text. First of all, let me congratulate you on being brave enough to purchase and presumably wear a shirt while having no idea what it says. Seriously, what if it said something like "hit me in the head with a 2 x 4" or "yeah, you can have one of my kidneys."

Lucky for you, they're much more benign. At least one of them is. The brown shirt with the names of all the bands that played at the fest (and one who didn't. Can you spot it?) says on the front: "I'm with the band." The black shirt with the Irish Fest logo on the front says on the back "our festival kicks your festival's ass." No, I'm not kidding.  Please wear that one to every other festival you ever go to for the rest of your life.

And the Snug shirts, for the people who asked below are a Van Morrison lyric from the Song (in English) Coney Island, They say "Wouldn't it be great if it was like this all the time?" And for those of you lucky enough to have spent your weekend in the Snug...wouldn't it?


Anonymous said...

What about the Snug t-shirts?


Anonymous said...

Can you add a translation for the snug shirts?