Wednesday, August 04, 2010


When you head to the Irish Fest beer tents this year, as I have an inking that you might, you’ll see something new on the menu. It’s Boulevard Irish Fest Stout, brewed for us by our home town beer boys over on the Westside. I’ve sampled it and I can tell you that it’s a creamy black glass of awesome, every swallow like a little Irish Fest in your mouth (Boulevard marketing guys, if you’re reading this, you can have that one for free). Irish Fest Stout joins our other fine beers, wines and soft drinks in our tents, manned by local parochial school parent groups, which raise funds for their schools by helping keep you well watered. All bev tent gratuities go to the schools too, so remember, you're hip when you tip.

Try Irish Fest Stout at a beer tent near you, in just 30 days.


Anonymous said...

OOooo and Mmmmm....

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a nice addition. Now, if only Boulevard would make a cider so we could have some of that at the Fest -- YUM!

Major Ice Hole said...

Looking forward to it. I have a countdown calendar that I have been watching since St. Pat's day which is when I booked my rooms for the fest to! HURRY UP AND END SUMMER!!!!

sunshine said...

YUUUUUMMMY! Thank you Boulevard, so very cool!! :)

Anonymous said...

I hope it's as good as Raglan Road Stout that Boulevard made. THAT was good beer!

Anonymous said...

Is it the same crummy stout that Boulevard has been making for years, but with a different label?

IFAD said...

Can't wait to try it.

Anonymous said...

A different anoymous replying to the previous one.

If it's the same delicious awesome stout that Boulevard has been making for years, I'd be okay with that, though wonder why the name change.

If it's not, well, I hope it's equally good.

Anonymous said...

Dan or I mean "Anoymous", nice reply at 1:15 pm.

I hope this stout is better than the swill that Boulevard normally passes off as stout.

Now it is Dan's turn to reply.

Danny Regan said...

None of the response above are from me. Here's my reply. I think Boulevard Dry Stout is very, very good. I personally prefer it in bottles to draft, but have seen the draft beat Guinness, Beamish and Murphy's in blind taste tests. I think the Irish Fest Stout is very, very good. I'll be drinking it (only when off duty, of course) all Irish Fest weekend. If you try it and don't like it, you're in luck; we sell lots of different beers, wine and other beverages.