Monday, May 17, 2010


Hey kids–and I mean you actual young children-type kids, not "kids" as in the colloquial usage meaning anybody, even grown ups–have you checked in over at the new Irish Fest Kids Blog yet? No? Well, you're missing out on some good stuff. Like the chance to win prizes, that's what kind of good stuff. For example, the 2010 Name The Irish Fest Cow Contest is open for business and you can win a cow if your name suggestion is chosen. I don't think it's an actual alive cow, but still. It's a big free cow and what would you do with a real cow anyway? When I was little, this kid across the street, John Dewey, won a pony in a contest. A real live pony with a saddle and everything. His mom and dad had it in their yard, right there on west 38th Street in the middle of the city. And even though this was a long time ago, it was still a city and ponies in yards were pretty unheard of. Anyway, we all took turns riding the pony around until Mr. Dewey, who was a cop, figured out that it probably wasn't a good idea to keep the pony around and he–the pony, not Dewey the cop–went to live on farm. Or so they told us. The Deweys also had a really old dog named "Boy", no kidding. But I digress.

Back to the new Kids Blog, there's also a coloring contest where you color this picture of a leprechaun dancing around his pot of gold. The best of these entries wins passes for his his or her whole family to come to this year's Irish Fest, which would be awesome because then when you go you could make all the rules because, hey, they're your tickets. "Yes, Dad I think I will have another funnel cake, as a matter of fact. Or do you want to go wait in the car? After all, I was nice enough to bring you here." 

So there's two great contests right there and the blog is only a week or two old. So get over there! You kids, I mean. Grown ups stay here. As soon as the kids are gone, we'll play some poker.

1 comment:

Irish Stout said...

I love you Uncle Bloggy and Jen does know!