Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Band Announcement

No, sorry that doesn't mean it's Friday yet. But with another half foot of snow expected today and no end in sight to the single digit temps, I thought this might be the perfect time for our first BA of 2010.

The Red Hot Chilli Pipers

Make sure you read that right. Pipers.

I saw and met this band at the Milwaukee Irish Fest last summer. If you're a traditional music purist who likes nothing better than a beautifully sung slow ballad accompianed by harp and acoustic might want to hit another stage. These guys are loud and wild and a hell of a lot of fun.
Now if that doesn't warm you up on a frigid day, I don't know what will. Please welcome Scotland's own Red Hot Chilli Pipers to the Kansas City Irish Fest 2010. Oh, and for you purists...we'll have you more than covered too, I promise.


Anonymous said...

I live in Ohio and have been to the last 5 festivals and am looking forward to it again this year!! Red Hot Chilli Pipers looks like a fun band!

Danny Regan said...

Glad to here you'll be joining us again this year! You have a great festival in Ohio, too.