Thursday, December 31, 2009

Cheers, 2009

As 2009 ends, I'm raising my glass and offering a slainte for the outgoing old and the incoming new. I invite you to join me. Yes, it's 8:30 in the morning. Who cares? It's a holiday.

Slá departing Irish Fest directors Ed Follis and Mary Alice Beebe. Your leadership will be sorely missed, your friendship will continue to be treasured by all of us at Irish Fest.

Slá new board directors Craig Duke and Mindy Johnson. We have no doubt in your ability to fill the very big shoes that your predecessors leave behind.

Slá all the committee chairs who are the real heart and soul of the Kansas City Irish Fest. Thank you all for the hard work and the harder laughter. You are the best.

Slá our 1000 smiling volunteers. We hope you'll all be back in 2010...and that you'll bring along a few friends.

Slá our sponsors, without whom none of what we do is possible.

Slá the amazing performers who were kind enough to share their gifts with us in 2009. I hope you had as much fun being part of the Kansas City Irish Fest as we had having you here.

Slá our vendors, suppliers and media partners. I hope our relationship has been a profitable one for you all.

Slá my fellow members of the Irish Fest board of directors, past and present. Words fail. You're the most amazing bunch of people I can imagine working with.

Slá all our friends at Irish Festivals across the country and the world. Thank you for letting us steal your ideas and share ours. And best of luck for your best years ever in 2010.

Slá you, Tir na Blog readers. I hope you'll come back often and see me here in '10.

And now, your turn. The floor is yours. Who has a toast? Glasses up.

Sláinte to...?

1 comment:

Rolf Wagels said...

Slá the Tir na Blog writer Dan, who keeps us up to date!
and of course, a big Sláinte to all involved in KC Irish Fest, the best festival last year!
All the best