Thursday, May 07, 2009

Uh Oh

Mother's Day, as I just realized in a panic moments ago, is apparently this weekend. And since I happen to have one of those (a mother) I'd better get on the stick and come up with something thoughtful at the last minute.

Browne's to the rescue. Saturday (not quite Mother's Day, but close enough) Kerry's hosting an Irish Breakfast For Mom from 8:30 to 11:30. Featuring Irish sausage & bacon, eggs, potatoes, tomatoes, orange juice, Roasterie coffee, Bewley’s Tea, and Irish soda bread, it should keep Mom happy until actual Mother's Day on Sunday. And while she's eating, I'll pretend to go to the bathroom and go shopping for something I can give her on The Day. With 15% off Beleek, 20% off clothing, jewelry and framed prints, I'm sure I'll find something for dear ol' mom. Browne's Irish Market and Deli is at 33rd and Penn.

So with Browne's and maybe picking up her tab at The Westsider tomorrow night, I think I've got Mother's Day covered. Whew.

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