Listening to inauguration coverage on the radio this morning, you may have heard the same item I did. A story that said that outgoing President Bush, as tradition dictates, left a note for President Obama in the Oval Office desk. Well, we have that tradition here at the Kansas City Irish Fest, too.
I've been able to secure the actual note that former president Ed Scanlon left for his successor Ed Follis in the presidential residence, the Green House. I thought you might be interested at this peek into Irish Fest history. Click to enlarge.
"...peace out..."
Oh my gosh that was funny...
Ed, Please let Teri know that I order Presidential China the week before you took office. It should be coming in a couple of months. It was paid for by private sources. The design is very moooving..... Teri will have a wonderful time creating the tablescapes. Have her start with green, black and white.
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