Friday, October 17, 2008

Band Announcement...2009!

Yes, kids it's a big day here. The first official band announcement of 2009! First, some history.

2009 is a big year for us. It's the 10th anniversary of Irish Fests in Kansas City, both the Brookside and Westport festivals having been borned in 1999. Those events are of course the mommy and daddy of the Kansas City Irish Fest and is run by a lot of the same people, me included. Back then in those early days, in Brookside we had a great band that became kind of a regular for us. Though I don't think they weren't there that first year, to me this band is fond reminder of those great early days. Plus they're one of the greatest party bands any festival ever had.

The pride of New York, The McCabes.

I'm very happy that Sean and his band will be back with us in 2009. If you're a fan, rejoice. If you're new to them, you've got 11 months to become a fan. It won't take that long, I promise. There's a dearth of video of these guys available, but here's a taste.

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