Friday, August 29, 2008

Zen Master Bloggy

Are you proud of me? Have you noticed the total lack of weather obsessing as the fest approached this year? It wasn't easy, believe me. I wanted to fret. Maybe it's the wisdom that comes with age (I'm 84) that lets us cast off worries about things we can't control. The part of my brain that is normally a roiling tempest, full of storm patterns and warm fronts and barometric pressures is today a still, cool pond in a verdant field. With maybe some ducks floating on it. One of them is maybe one of those cool ducks with the green heads. Rain, sleet, snow, hail...these are merely words to a serene dude like myself. Having said's going to be a glorious weekend. Whew. Sunshine and temps in the mid eighties, nights in the low 60's.

Time to go enjoy it. You do whatever it is you'll be doing today- not working too hard, please God. You'll need your rest for tonight- and we'll go finish building a festival for you. Today's the day.

Don't for get to say hi.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Danny, I had noticed the complete lack of hand-wringing. Congratulations. Perhaps you've found the secret in your advanced (transposed) years.