Thursday, August 28, 2008


I took my camera to the Irish Fest site today with every good intention of posting some pictures tonight. But work got in the way and the day sped by me. I'm sorry. It's coming together down there, though trust me. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow, but when the bell rings at 5:00 we'll be ready.

We had a brief downpour as we had our final meeting of the pre-fest year, which was just what we needed to dispel today's withering heat. We had our pep talk from president Ed Scanlon, we got last minute instructions from executive director Keli Wenzel, we had a prayer with our battered statue of St. Patrick as we do every year. The weekend is going to be beautiful, the music will be beautiful, the 2008 Kansas City Irish Fest will be beautiful, even with an ugly mug like mine in a staff shirt. So get some sleep tonight, and come down and see us tomorrow. We open at 5:00. It's just about time for the best weekend of the year.

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