We may be mostly grown-ups here at the Kansas City Irish Fest but we know how you kids get bored here in mid summer. Especially when you're waiting for something as great and fun as Irish Fest to start. And you still have to wait 46 whole days, too. Lucky for you, Shawn and all her helpers in the Irish Fest kids area are looking out for you. Beginning this week, they'll have a new coloring page for you. Color in one or all of them and bring them with you when you come to Irish Fest. Then you can enter them in our coloring contests and win a cool prize.

This week's picture: The American descendent of the carved turnip in old Ireland, the Jack O'Lantern. Down load yours
here. Happy coloring!
I know I can't enter the contest, but I like to colour, too, Dan! Is this your artwork, BTW? It's really cool.
It is mine, thank you very much!
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