My fellow Irish Festers, I come to you today with a heavy heart.
We are currently 35 days from opening the gates and pulling the taps and we need you. Ask not what Irish Fest can do for you but what can you do for Irish Fest. Volunteers are needed and Irish Fest, contrary to popular belief, does not happen without you.
Be all you can be. Join the fun loving crew of volunteers at Irish Fest now! The best festival in the Nation needs you! Think of the benefits; tickets, t-shirts, food, water, soda, fame, health care, massage therapy but most of all a feeling of belonging.
Be a member of Irish Fest. We need you and your friends volunteer today!
Be a member of Irish Fest. We need you and your friends volunteer today!
Ed Scanlon, President, 2008 Kansas City Irish Fest
What's message therapy?
It's me being a lazy editor.
I thought it was some therapy for those that text too much.
I thing the point of Ed's letter was get off your arses and volunteer. Not a spelling test. Those are the same people that bitch that they had to wait in line too long for a beer.
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