Tuesday, June 03, 2008

International Guest to Join Heritage and Children's Stages

Halloween has some mysteries, and our guest is used to solving them.

Our mystery guest is a lifetime resident of Ireland, he previously worked as the warden for the Southern Education and Library Board, where he arranged weekends away for youths and worked on conflict issues and cross-border projects, allowing communities from either side of the cultural divide in Northern Ireland to work together and develop friendships. He is also an avid writer and cook.

His occupation is especially a good one for the Children's Area Halloween theme.

We will be looking forward to his Irish (?) stories, Halloween History, and he will be sharing information about his new, and exciting book documenting his professional experiences in Ireland and around the world.

If you can corner a member of the Kansas City Irish Fest Kid's Club, you can TRY to get one of them to divulge. Lucky you for knowing a Kid's Club Member.

Stay Tuned for the answer. Maybe before Danny returns... And I will make the first correct person posting a present of one of Uncle Bloggy's Irish Fest Hats if you guess our MYSTERY Guest correctly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Shawn, this is Jake. I thik it is great that we wiil be having a very famous ghost hunter with us during this year's Irish fest. I think this Irish fest will be the biggest and the best there has ever been.

Thanks see ya soon!