Monday, May 05, 2008

More Ballot Casting

Man, these election years are exhausting, aren't they? You've got Billary and O'Bama slugging it out ad nauseum nationwide and here at home, more chances to declare by ballot your love for Irish Fest.

This time around it's KC Magazine who included us in their City's Best competition. You'll find us in the Best Festival category, up against heavyweights like the Plaza and Brookside Art Fairs and Ren Fest. Me, I'm partial as you might guess. I like art as much as the next guy, maybe more so, as an actual trained and professional art provider. Hell, I've got a coffee cup full of paint brushes right here in front of me. And the Renaissance Festival, well they've honkin' turkey legs. And cleavage. And lots of dudes in tights carrying around flagons and halberds and whatnot. That's good times. Huzzah, yo. 

But for my unbiased money, Irish Fest deserves this title, hands down. We've got world class entertainment. We've got a huzzah-load of kid's activities. We've got great food, shopping and drink. We've got informative, inspiring and inspirational heritage and cultural displays. We've got Mass on Sunday. We give away trips to Ireland. We've got workshops. We've got dancing.  Plus, we love you. Those other festivals only want you for your money.

So, why not go here and vote, one more time, for Irish Fest. There are about 300 categories, most of which, to be honest with you, I had no opinion on. Best Day Spa? Best Lawyer? Best Plastic Surgeon?? Fortunately they do have a helpful "skip this category" button which I used with abandon. There is a Best Irish Restaurant ballot. And you can apparently vote as many times as you want.

So, once again, commence to voting. Let me know what you put down for Best Interior Designer. I came up blank on that one.


Anonymous said...

Did you say "cleavage" I really like cleavage. But not the kind that McCarthy displays when he is bending over to pick up Molly.

Anonymous said...

As my husband's "wing man", I can vouch for the fact that KCIF does, in fact have cleavage. Some of it pretty impressive, in fact.

April said...

WAY WAY WAY to many categories. Sheesh. I think at one point I started voting for things whose names amused me. Oops. You think I skewed the ballots?

Do they really think anyone has opinions on close to 200 things like that?

Anonymous said...

Wow... yea... that was painful.
Got 'er dun, tho. One more vote
for KC but geez... there must be enough mouse clicks there to get you to the secret of the universe via Google.

Someone forgot to clue them in that they can, in fact, just have a page with all the items on it and checkboxes next to things so you can see it all at once.

Not sure how much bragging rights this could possibly bring KCIF, though. I mean... how much can you trust any KC list with a category of 'Best Local Musician' that doesn't list Eddie Delahunt?