Thursday, January 17, 2008

Danny Said #1500-and-Something

Dare I make another band announcement tomorrow? That would be what, four in a week? Can you even handle that? I mean, there are limits, surely, to the levels of excitement the human brain can withstand. I don't want to give too much and have overly-stimulated noggins exploding all over your computer monitors. Who would clean that up? Not me, mister, I'll tell you that. So I don't know. I'll have to think about it. We'll see.

Your health is my only concern.


Anonymous said...

Caution to the winds, Dan, we can take it!

Anonymous said...

But what if we RUN OUT of band announcements before we run out of Fridays... I'm getting weak-kneed just thinking about it...

NOT! Bring it on!! (:-D