Tuesday, November 27, 2007


It occurs to me that I've been something less than diligent lately here at the helm of Tir na Blog. Nearly as bad as Irish Fest music man Dave Shaughnessy is about keeping up his on-line communiques. Oh, sure there was a holiday weekend in there. And of course this time of year, things here at Irish Fest HQ are fairly quiet. And work, family, yadda yadda. But no excuses for me. That's not how I roll. I've been lazy, plain and simple. If there isn't something interesting going on in the world of Irish Fest, I should make something up.

Here's something not made up. Christmas is coming and there's nothing you can do about it. You need to do some shopping. I want to help. Call me Danta Claus. We have limited quantities and sizes of official Kansas City Irish Fest stuff left from 2007. Great cold weather things like thick hoodies and those cool black track jackets. Also, caps in various (though not all) colors, including those stylish military looking ones in olive and camo. Wear one of those camouflage ones and no one will be able to see the upper third of your head. T-shirts, sadly, are pretty much sold out.

While we're not so fancy-schmancy yet as to have an on-line store with shopping baskets and recommendations-just-for-you and whatnot, if you have a special Irish somebody on your list this year, drop me a line and we'll get you sorted out with what's available and what it'll cost you.

Ho Ho Hope that helps with your holiday duties.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Half off?