Thursday, August 30, 2007

Media Watch

Irish Fest and Irish Festers all over the morning Star today. Splashed across the masthead is Gaelic Storm, back for a second year on our stages. And in the local section, there's Irish Fest president Ed Scanlon, grimacing as he concentrates hard touching up the paint on our more-rustic-than-ever thatched roof cottage.

As Ed and I were rehabbing the cottage yesterday, a very small boy who was walking by with his grandma came over to ask me if this was Santa's house., are they stupid.


OMurchuEire said...

Stupid? I do not think that child was stupid I think that you are very ignorant for making that comment aside from that comment being published on the fest website blog is highly stupid. I would hate to be the person to explain why? That is not very good P.R. for the fest at all. I think that some people should rethink things before they put them on the world wide web.

Danny Regan said...

Ó Murchu, do me a favor when you have a minute. Go down to the shop on the corner and see if they have a spare sense of humor for sale. I think you're missing yours.

Anonymous said...

You're right Regan! Kids are awful stupid. I should know. I have 2 of them and they're always coming out with meaningless comments. You'd think they'd know better by now. Why do you bother having such a gig area at your fest for such a bunch of idiots?

Anonymous said...

jeeez, lighten up....humor is kind of like a religious vocation, it's a gift, you'll never be able to find one around the corner at any store. 'Tis a pity you were in the wrong line when God was passing out the humor. Oh Danny Boy, you wise-craic-er you!! Kids say the darndest things. You're a craic-er you are!

Anonymous said...

Dan Reagan that is no suprise to have a smart arse comment return from your self like that. It just shows the level of education that you have for your self. I have a wonderful sense of humor and was trying to make a point that surely looks like it went way over your head. I am not replying to these messages any more. It is a blog and blogs are for people like your self and my time I have wasted so far to blow out shite on the internet.