A very happy birthday today to one of our 2006 Kansas City Irish Fest Reunion Area coordinators, the lovely Jennifer O'Hara.
Jen also happens to be married to a certain lucky Irish Fest director who looks a lot like me.
Tá mé chomh mór sin i ngrá leat, a chailín mo chroí.
Oh, and what does "
Tá mé chomh mór sin i ngrá leat, a chailín mo chroí." mean?
Lá Breithe Shona Shona Dhuit! From all in Fuchsialand! Hup! You don't look a day over 21! A lovely First Lady for any Irish Fest!
How did I miss your birthday yesterday?!?! Why God why?!?! Well anyway, Happy Birthdya my friend. I am so lucky to call you a friend! - Erin
Aaarrgh! I had to find out on Danny's blog that I missed your birthday, Jen! I'm bad bad bad. But hope you had a very happy one. Maybe I'll send you one of those great Hallmark Belated BD cards. Love, T
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