Thursday, September 21, 2006

Two Days

It doesn't feel like it outside this morning, but you have two days of summer left.

Right now it's cloudy and breezy and there's a taste of that October coolness, visiting a little early. For me, good riddance to summer. I'm not a summer guy. This is the beginning of the best time of the year as far as I'm concerned. The time of year that makes me so glad that I live in a place where the seasons change. I think Florida must long to be Missouri in the fall.

So. What do you do with these last two days of summer? The pools are closed, so that's out. It's supposed to rain off and on today, so scratch other typical summer pastimes, like kite flying, baseball or sunbathing. How about this? Go hear some Irish music. Bet you never thought you'd hear me suggest that.

Tonight at Eddie Delahunt's Cafe & at 45th and Stateline Road, you can hear none other than the eponymous Eddie Delahunt, plus Brett and Gabe and who knows who else. With any luck, this cool cloudy morning will turn into a perfect late summer night and we can sit out on the patio and sip smoothies. If not, we'll warm ourselves with a latte and gather indoors for a tune and a song or two. Either way, it's a perfect end-of-summer plan for a Thursday.

Music starts at 7:30.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And let's not forget Bob Reeder at O'Dowd's Little Dublin Zona Rosa. The fun begins there at 9 p.m. so you almost have time to stop in, see a bit of Eddie and the lads and still round off the evening with one of Bob's trademark limericks.
Drive carefully, though, because the roads are a bit slick ....