Why you, Irish person, should go to Oktoberfest:
1. Polka!
2. Grown men wearing leather shorts with suspenders will make you really glad that your traditional ethnic dress doesn't involve leather shorts and suspenders.
3. When Germans have a party, attendance is mandatory. Ask Poland.
4. There are 1,274 breweries in Germany. Ireland has 17. Mad props, Fritz.
5. German Shepherds are cool. The dogs, I mean. The shepherds themselves, not so much.
6. Sausage is nature's perfect food.
7. A possible opportunity to say "weiner schnitzel" in public should never be passed up. I don't even know what it is, but I'm saying it all weekend. Weiner schnitzel.
8. I like how Germans use those two little dots over letters and throw random K's around. You can make anything look like the name of a death metal band: Flüffÿ Kittënz. Fünnël Käkë. Wëinër Schnïtzël. See?
9. The German word for "Irish" is "Irisches", which coincidentally is exactly how you'll prounce "Irish" after a few German beers.
10. It's 11 months until Irish Fest. You gotta do something to kill time.
So there you go. Oktoberfest opens today at 4:00 and runs through the weekend. Don't miss Brave Combo tonight at 9:30 on whatever they're calling the Terrace Stage.
Weiner schnitzel.
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