Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Shout Out

When you get to Irish Fest this weekend, you'll be handed a beautifully printed program. You'll read a lot of signs. You'll look at banners, posters, sponsor boards, and maps. Behind your favorite band you'll see bold graphics. Virtually every one of those things was printed by the stalwart and overworked crew at Boelte Hall Litho.

We just kill these poor guys this time of year. They work weekends, they work nights, they run presses 24 hours a day until you'd think they'd melt down, the presses and their operators.

So a shout out and a huge thank you to Terry and crew at Boelte Hall for once again making us look so good.

Oh, and if I could just get this one more 30 foot long full color banner printed real quick...

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