Friday, July 21, 2006

Tin Cup Profits, And So Do You

My friend Marc gets this really cool music magazine called Paste. He loaned me a few copies a month or so ago (I'm going to return them, Marc, I promise!) and I've been planning on subscribing. Aside from great writing and design and coverage of bands that don't often get the ink they deserve, the best thing about Paste is that they send a CD or DVD with every issue. A sampler, 20+ tracks, so you can check out the bands and artists they write about in any given issue.

Well, I'm not always the most promptliest guy in the world so I hadn't gotten around to subscribing yet. And now I'm glad I waited. It seems that Irish Fest's own Amanda Kapouzous, The Tin Cup Prophette, is going to have a song from her new CD on the sampler disc included in Paste's October issue. And if I (and if you) subscribe through either Amanda's MySpace page or through her website, I (and you) can save 72% off the newstand price. And, when I (and you) subscribe through Amanda's sites, she gets a $5 kickback towards her out of pocket expenses to get on the sampler. Everybody wins!

Check out Paste here.
See what's new with Amanda and buy her new album here or here.
Subscribe in such a way that Amanda gets that 5 bucks here.

I did. And you?


Anonymous said...

What time of the day do get up?????

Danny Regan said...

Yesterday, at about 5:54 AM.