Monday, July 17, 2006

Quiz Night Tonight

Don't forget, tonight is the second to the last of the monthly Kansas City Irish Fest pub quizzes. The July edition takes place at the oddly named Boozefish, 511 Westport Road. You know, the first time I went into Boozefish soon after they opened, the whole place was full of clowns, in full clown regalia. My date and I and the bartender were the only people there who weren't clowns. At the time I thought, well, there are Irish bars, and gay bars, and English bars...maybe this a clown bar. They need a place too, I supposed. Sadly, I've never seen a clown in there since.

But I digress. Pub quiz tonight at Boozefish, clowns welcome. Team registration at 6:30, quiz at 7:00. Qualify for the finals at Irish Fest where you can will $500. Boulevard beer on special, prizes to be won, knowledge to be known.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who won Monday's Pub Quiz?