Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Oh, You're A Funny One, You Are

Okay, you had your little joke. Very funny.

Had us all nervous, had us all wondering, thinking it wasn't going to happen. Ha ha. You had us going, you got us good. But enough is enough. Time to get serious. Irish Fest is 51 days away.

It's time to volunteer.

We need you. We need 1500 of you. Irish Fest is an all volunteer thing. I'm a volunteer. We're all volunteers. Now you be one.

It's not even like work, really. I mean, c'mon we're not talking about signing up to clean monkey cages or look for land mines. We're throwing a party! For three days. For 60,000 of our closest friends. Don't you want to be part of that? Of course you do.

51 days. You know how fast that will go? I've got Chinese food in the fridge older than 51 days. It will be on us like white on rice in no time, and you'll have procrastinated and by then the only volunteer job left will be something like port-a-potty wiper outer or assistant to the president, and then you'll be sorry.

You'll still volunteer, though because you know it's the right thing to do. But why not do it now, and get the job you want?

Make me proud. Do it for your poor oul' Irish granny. Do it for the free t-shirt. Do it for the free ticket. Just do it.

Ready? Click.

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