Wednesday, July 19, 2006

News Item

From Special Irish Fest Water Safety Correspondent Ronan Collins:

Dubliners In Custody After Sail Attempt Fails

Two young Dubliners are in police custody in Britain after they allegedly stole a fishing trawler in an effort to sail back home after missing their ferry back to Ireland. The Irish Independent is reporting that Stephen Brennan (19) and John Mahoney (20) missed their ferry on Saturday night after a drinking session and decided to cross the Irish Sea on the 30-foot Le Bon Mawr, even though they had no experience of the sea. After about two hours, they realised they were lost and managed to contact the British coast guard, initially believing they were speaking to Ireland. The rescue took several hours and involved a helicopter, a
lifeboat and a cliff rescue team. The men were initially released with a caution but when the boat owner realised the engine may have been damaged in the incident, they were detained.

Whether you arrive at Irish Fest by car, train, plane, bus or boat...make sure you do it legally!


Anonymous said...

So you have to worry about getting out of that fountain and find your way home..... or better yet your hotel!!

Anonymous said...

While we Site Hosts like to think we are ready for any situation (including water rescue), we do lack a helicopter, a lifeboat and we definitely don't have a 'cliff rescue team'.

But maybe we should???